Each month we bring you inside our warehouse to introduce you to a member of our Family.
Content Manager
Let’s start by making this awkward: The guy you’re meeting today is the same guy who writes all these blog posts. Which means, I just wrote in the third person, and like you, I feel dirty about it. To avoid any further awkwardness, I’m going to go ahead and talk to you like a (semi) normal person…
What do you do at Family Industries?
I’m the newest member of the Family, and my job is to… well, do exactly this. I’m in charge of all our digital content and social media. So any time people click the “like” button on Instagram, read these blog entries, or re-tweet @familyIndLA on Twitter, I get to live another day… Okay, things aren’t that serious, but I do get super giddy!
What piece of clothing that you own could you not live without?
I am constantly running around, and after playing basketball my whole life, my feet have seen better days. If I didn’t have my Timberland lineman boots my feet would be in shambles.
At the moment, what are your top three songs?
1. “Love It If We Made It” - The 1975